Further information at NoMegaTesco and
Keep Chorlton Interesting
If like many residents you are concerned about the impact of one of the largest Tesco stores in the country on shops in Chorlton and around, and you have still to write, please do it now! A sample letter from the campaign is below, please add some personal points about why this is important to you:
Email: John Denham MP john.denham@communities.gsi.gov.uk (Secretary of State)
Michael Morris michael.morris@gonw.gsi.gov.uk (Government Office North West)
Write: John Denham MP, Department for Communities and Local Government, Eland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DU
Michael Morris, GONW, City Tower, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester, M1 4BE
Trafford Planning Reference 74393/FULL/2009 [Date]
Dear Mr Morris / John Denham MP
I write to draw your attention to a planning application ref:74393/FULL/2009. The application by Lancashire County Cricket Club and Tesco Ltd. seeks part full/part outline permission for redevelopment of Old Trafford Cricket Ground and the erection of a food superstore.
On Thursday 11th March 2010, Trafford Council’s planning committee voted that they were “minded to grant” this application.
My concerns relate to the proposals for the large superstore of approximately 166,847 sq ft, that are part of this combined application. I am writing to request that Government Office North West call in the application for consideration by the Secretary of State so that a public inquiry can properly assess the impact of this proposed superstore on the surrounding communities and district centres.I am drawing it to your attention because I feel it runs contrary to government policy on matters of more than local importance, with wide impacts beyond its immediate locality.
- The scale of the proposed Tesco Superstore is grossly excessive for its location and will harm the future vitality and viability of Stretford Town Centre, Chorlton District Centre and other district and local centres. This runs contrary to government policy on matters of more than local importance, with wide impacts beyond its immediate locality.
- Consideration of both the Tesco and nearby Derwent Holdings applications has been hurried and the subject of serious inconsistencies by the Council’s planning committee and officers. The process and decisions made on these applications are fundamentally flawed.
- The proposal conflicts with government advice in PPS4 and PPG17, and also with key elements of the Trafford Council’s own UDP and emerging Core Strategy.
- In 2006 a Planning Inspector upheld Trafford Council's decision to refuse to grant Tesco Ltd permission to build a store of 88,000 sq ft on this site on the basis of concerns over the impact of the proposals on town, district and local centres. Tesco Ltd already has permission to build a smaller store on the site (48,000 sq ft), granted approximately 5 years ago, which it has chosen not to implement. The current proposal will be 3.4 times larger and it is inconceivable that it would not have a significant and detrimental impact both within Trafford and in neighbouring boroughs.
- The Cricket club regeneration and the Tesco superstore should have been considered independently. The Tesco superstore has been recommended for approval on the back of popular support for the Cricket Club and a questionable cross-subsidy initiative. The Council’s role in negotiations as both landowner and planning authority renders it unable to make a fit and proper decision.
Yours sincerely
Your Name & Contact details (address and email details)
According to business publication Crain's Manchester Business, the Isle of Man-based Derwent Holdings (who have plans for a nearby Sainsburys which were rejected) will also be appealing against what they see as an inappropriate decision.