Sunday 20 December 2009

The Meadows - Decision deferred

Weekly Update:

'Save Chorlton Meadows'Thursday's City Council Planning Committee meeting deferred any decision until after a site visit, to take place on the morning of January 14th., with the next Planning Committee meeting due in the afternoon. The meeting was attended by a very large contingent of 'Save the Meadows' campaigners, - around 40 - 50 I would say, far outnumbering the councillors on the Committee, and hopefully conveying to the committee the strength of feeling in the area against this application.
The campaign urges as many people as possible to be at both the site visit and the Planning Committee meeting on the 14th.
Times: Site Visit - tba , but will be morning
Planning Committee meeting, 2pm - Main Council Chamber, Town Hall extension

No Mega Tesco campaign:
There is an petition. However, please take the time to write in as an individual. Please see earlier blogposts for more information, or visit the campaign's website where you can find a sample objection letter. Objections can be sent by email rather than letter. Emails should be sent to and

Campaign spotlight: - Many Hands Cafe
Whilst the first response of many might be - 'what - yet another eating establishment in Chorlton?', this venture promises to be different. The vision is to create a Community Cafe in Chorlton, Manchester, selling vegan local food and providing a space to promote local artists and bring different groups together. The group are currently looking for premises - not an easy task in the present climate.

They already put on occasional evenings of entartainment - usually at St Clements Church - I attended one last night and the mulled wine and mince pie was very welcome on a cold wet night. For more information see their website or Facebook page

Brian Candeland, Green Party Chorlton candidate wishes everyone the very best for the Season and for the New Year !

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